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A wildlife friendly community

Mountbatten Park has been thoughtfully designed with a deep commitment to fostering biodiversity and creating a harmonious environment where both residents and wildlife can thrive together. Our carefully considered features aim to welcome a wide variety of species, supporting their growth and encouraging them to flourish within the development.

At Morrish Homes, we understand the importance of creating homes not just for people, but for nature too

Our biodiversity enhancement measures are focused on protecting existing habitats while also providing new opportunities for nature to thrive.

With the integration of wildlife-friendly features such as bird boxes, bat tubes, hedgehog tunnels, and pollinator-friendly planting, we’re creating a sanctuary for local wildlife right on your doorstep.

By building with nature in mind, we are not only enhancing the beauty of Mountbatten Park but also ensuring that the surrounding environment remains a safe, sustainable space for wildlife for generations to come. Welcome to a home where nature truly belongs.

Hedgehog tunnels

Hedgehog-friendly tunnels and routes have been included through fences and walls in your garden. Designed for safe passage, these features ensure hedgehogs thrive, and are easily able to scavenge for food.

Landscape planting

Planting around your home, and the wider development, will include native plants and those that provide nectar and pollen through as much of the year as possible. Intuitive planting such as this will encourage wildlife to forage and attract a range of pollinators.

Bird nesting bricks

Bird nesting bricks will be built into each house to provide a suitable home for a range of species, but principally Swifts. These shelters provide safe nesting sites, ensuring your garden remains a haven for wildlife.


Bee bricks will be installed in houses in sunny spots around 1.5 metres off the ground where no vegetation blocks or shades the entrance. These bricks aim to provide nesting sites for bees who are important pollinators of our natural landscape, the cavities will only extend halfway into the bricks so the bees cannot enter the building.


Bat tubes have been carefully positioned high up on the side of homes to encourage roosting. As dusk falls, look out for bats gracefully swooping through your garden working hard on their natural role as insect controllers.

Biodiversity features at Mountbatten Park:

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